SL19B On Fire!

The 19th Second Life birthday (SL19B) celebrations ended in disaster. Fire destroyed most of the Bay City exhibit.

Fire Starts

Security camera footage showed that the fire started at the Bay City exhibit. The fire spread around the exhibit like, wild fire setting ablaze all the regions. During the fire nobody was near yet some claim to have heard loud laughing in a high pitched voice running away.

Bay City Exhibition On Fire
The Bay City fire department (BCFD) was alarmed and scrambled to the struck place to save as much as possible.

BCFD Scrambles

The last footage of the security camera, before it melted, was a view of a red hot gear that appeared to be spinning.

Red Hot Gear

The Bay City police department (BCPD) managed to retrieve the, still hot, gear with a giant helicopter, for further investigations.

Gear Transported To Bay City

The analysis so far was inconclusive. It is possible that the gear wasn't oiled enough and spinned out of control. Sabotage as a cause can not be ruled out.

Analysis By The BCPD

The fire was mostly put out by the BCFD however the damage was beyond repair. All around regions crashed making recovery of exhibits near impossible.

The mayori (TINM) states 

"There was significant damage to the north (left hand) side of the structure, right above the wall discussing the Caledon Cold War. Aside from the obvious fire and other damage, everything seemed in place. We did not recover the "Caledon Cares" box, however, but I assume that may have been lost in the fire. We couldn't do much on site, as we had to disassemble the build and pack out. We did save this gear for examination, as it seemed relevant."

This newspaper will keep you up-to-date on further developments.  

Reporter Vick Forcella
Images Marianne McCann, Lucien Greybeard, TJ Hooker


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