Bay City Cruisin' Archives
by Dakota Schwade
September 2017
Hide and Seek. That's what discovering things in Bay City is all about. You don't know what's out there until you go looking for it. This is what I found recently. You?--------------------
1 - %Percent
Bay City - Moosehead
A store owned by Plato Novo has various household items for sale, as well as a few Lucky Boards allowing a visitor to look suspicious while waiting.
2 - Zoobatos and Day Dreamer Main Stores
Bay City - Barnstable
Bay City newcomer Gingir Ghoststar has opened two multi-story shops in town. One specializes in clothing and accessories, the other holds jewelry and some other types of creations.
3 - Docklands Grocery and Cafe
Bay City - Docklands
This grocery and cafe can be found not too far from the intersection of Route 66 and Willoughby Way. The most interesting thing about them is they can be used by participants in a role-play system called "Life2."
One of the signboards at the grocery store entrance can provide you with a detailed explanation of what that system involves.
4 - My Flat
Bay City - Oldtown
And here, owned by Sarah Annibell (brooke.laguna), is a little building that I just liked the looks of.
August 2017
Bay City changes with regularity. Here today, gone tomorrow. Which works well for me because I would have very little to share with you if things were stable. This trip through town revealed these destinations of interest.--------------------
1 - Belle's Botanical Bed & Breakfast
Bay City - Handa
This recently opened bed and breakfast can be "A cozy 'Home Away From Home' located in the heart of gentrified Handa, Bay City (100% PG)."
The rooms and grounds are expertly decorated, and there is off-street parking. What more can you ask for?
2 - Anchor Skybox Rentals
Bay City - Truro
One method to "get away from it all" involves being above it all. In Second Life this means that you will be spending some quality time occupying a floating home in the sky.
3 - Time of Your Life
Bay City - Orleans
Another one of our Japanese neighbors owns these brick structures and an open-air plaza providing light refreshments from trolley car stands.
4 - Virtual Railway Consortium (VRC)
Bay City - Moosehead
If you did not see it at the recently concluded SL14B birthday celebration, this is the exhibit the VRC had on display. It was designed to highlight their various locations using "Place Pages," which were made available earlier this year.
This is literally a pixel's throw from the Bay City Community Center.
July 2017
Travel through Bay City can take place in the air and on our excellent system of roads. Often overlooked is the canal system that can be found everywhere. For this trip around town I used a boat to see what was near the waterways.--------------------
1 - The Harwich Home of Rachel Seelowe
Bay City - Harwich
To the east of the a canal basin and rez zone can be found the Harwich home of Rachel Seelowe.
Come on in and say hi :)
2 - Bay City Wedding Chapel
Bay City - Falconmoon
Near to a Water Trolley stop is this "Beautiful chapel with high quality wedding animations and seating for 20 guests. A scripted Wedding Officiant is on duty 24/7 to perform a beautiful, traditional wedding ceremony, that is personalized with the names of the bride and groom."
3 - Historic Prefabs
Bay City - Moloch
Within sight of the municipal band stand in Argos is this store of "Chic historic brick & mortar prefabricated builds by Atashi Yue. Professional textures for builders. Unique Linden Home furnishings."
Bay City - Orleans
I can tell you this much ... it's near to one of the many operable canal bridges found throughout Bay City ... it's owned by someone who lives in Japan ... it's used for DJ activities ... it resembles a church ... it has ghost-like decorations ... and it has chickens. Beyond that ... I don't have a clue :-)
June 2017
For this trip around town I opened up the World Map, selected destinations at random, and wandered. It always amazes me what I find tucked into the nooks and crannies of Bay City.--------------------
1 - Collateral Damage
Bay City - Rollers
Big Balloon says: Look for the official opening of this new venue, bringing live music to Bay City. Rick Tizona says: Mark you calendar for Wednesday, June 7, at 6pm SL Time.
2 - Rina & R-Cafe
Bay City - Truro
A little to the west of the Oak Bluffs portion of Hairy Hippo Fun Land can be found this small women's clothing boutique and adjacent cafe, owned and operated by Rinar Writer, one of the many Japanese residents of Bay City. The blog explaining things can be found here.
3 - Mira Garage
Bay City - Brewster
Directly adjacent to a canal is a trio of parcels owned by various Japanese residents of Bay City (Gaufun Resident and Miramacloud Resident) that comprise the Mira Garage: a vehicle showroom, a static display of a train, and a popular (based on the parcel traffic count) small cafe with DJ equipment.
4 - Seventy-Seven
Bay City - Imaginario
Established in May of 2008 (9 years!) by Seraina Benelli, this store offers various styles of hair and other accessories. The shop keeper also owns the adjacent home.
May 2017
The in-world Bay City Alliance group helps to keep people informed about local developments. Within the past month there have been some announcements of various destinations that I thought I'd give a bit more exposure to on this trip through town.--------------------
1 - The Satellite
Bay City - Harwich
On Route 66, directly across from the Weston section of the Hairy Hippo Fun Land, Jonathon Spires has opened a new restaurant.
It boasts of "Family friendly dining and entertainment in Bay City's latest populuxe restaurant. Space age automated dinners with 3D food printers. Try the donut replicator! Available for weddings and parties. Room to dance!"
You can order a pizza, delivered directly to your table by a robot. And there is the "donut printer." Yum!
2 - Cafe Sheree
Bay City - Harwich
Proprietor Sheree Honeyflower operates this cafe, with a garden adjacent. Single origin coffee and varieties of Bay City Brew (there's something in the water) are available. She also authors a blog, Virtually Sheree -- https://virtuallysheree.wordpress.com/
3 - LX Photography & Bay City Community Collage
Bay City - Falconmoon
Laoin Xaris has a photographic exhibit space and gallery located on Route 66, across the street from the "sekret" KittehWerkz Primz Inspekshun building at Inner Harbor.
Laoin is also the creator of the Bay City Community Collage, which is displayed next to the photography building. The project started on April 11th and is scheduled to end on May 5th.
4 - Bay City Thrift - Consignment Shop
Bay City - Falconmoon
This flea market-like shop is hosted by Rick Tizona. All Bay City residents can use this space as a means to re-sell their no-copy, transferable items.
Come on by, see what's up for sale, or perhaps put something of yours out to sell.
April 2017 - Tanelorn
Last month a rare event took place in Bay City; land appearing in the list of parcels to be auctioned to the highest bidder (http://usd.auctions.secondlife.com). This took me to Bay City - Tanelorn to see what was happening, and as I explored that region further I found a few things that caught my attention.--------------------
1 - Lunar Foster Parents Agency
Bay City - Tanelorn
This is a role play location, "Offering an alternative to adoption where families can foster a child until they find a permanent family. Children can visit our establishment to find temporary loving homes."
The story related to this facility can be read in detail here -- https://djxpurity.wixsite.com/lfpa
2 - For Sale or Rent
Bay City - Tanelorn
Surrounding the Lunar Foster Parents Agency are some parcels that are for sale or rent. Until that occurs, the owner told me that he has hopes that some sort of farmer's market, related to a farming role play using the Aura RP System, will put the space to good use.
3 - Sakka's Studio
Bay City - Tanelorn
A supplier of authentic female and male clothing of Japanese design is spread amongst a cluster of buildings. Items available here include accessories, hair, Gacha machines, Geisha costumes, hair, jewelry, Kimono costumes, Shinto Priest costumes, and shoes.
Further information, in Japanese, can be found here -- http://sakka.slmame.com/
4 - Toxic Dos Tacos
Bay City - Tanelorn
Because the East Side needs indigestion, too!
March 2017 - Sconset
Exploring a single region of Bay City was fruitful last month, so I thought I'd do the same on this trip. I was expecting a typical mix of places to visit (new, old, strange, routine [which could be the same as strange]) but made a rather interesting discovery towards the end of my wanderings.What did I find? Where is it located? Read on ...
1 - Acacia Store
Bay City - Sconset
The far southwest corner of this region is occupied by a Japan-based business that sells mesh avatar accessories and various vehicles.
2 - Police Lab
Bay City - Sconset
This "most reputable Police Shop" sells all sorts of things for role-playing in law enforcement: cars, gadgets, uniforms, etc.
Bay City - Sconset
Two parcels containing a building, a cafe and some open space comprise this location, which is promising to be a recipient of improvements in the near future.
4 - [ByteryNet] Bay City - Sconset
Bay City - Sconset
Adjacent to the Urban Corner, described earlier, I observed a flat, square prim lying on the ground. Further examination revealed that it was marking the location of a 16-square-meter parcel. Looking down upon the rooftops of the Urban Corner, the hand in the photograph is pointing to the parcel. The red and yellow lines are parcel boundaries.
A few years back a parcel of this size was typically used to harass residents through the use of annoying advertising content. The goal was to make nearby land owners pay a very high purchase price for the tiny parcel in order to restore harmony to an area. This harassment technique was referred to as "ad farming."
I conferred with Marianne McCann after making my discovery. She had no idea how a parcel of this size came to be in Bay City. But she did remind me that Sconset was originally part of the Teen Grid, where the Lindens had a different approach to parcel shapes and sizes. This parcel may have been the unintended result of some land layout work that was never properly completed.
February 2017 - Maddequet
From time to time I feel I don't explore Bay City sufficiently. I just seem to drop in on certain areas more than others. This trip out, I went to one neighborhood I have visited before, but I gave it a really long look. Wow, what I found ...--------------------
1 - Urban Degenerate General Store
Bay City - Maddequet
Our Second Life friends from Japan have always been creative and interesting. This store is no exception. There are items here that have to be seen to be believed.
2 - KO-H M-Store
Bay City - Maddequet
If you thought Urban Degenerate General Store was interesting, visit here also. The same owner brings to Bay City a multi-building store featuring "Fashion for the Maitreya Lara & Slink Body" which includes boots, clothes, dresses, pants, shoes ... along with an occasional Gacha machine.
3 - Time Lost Cafe
Bay City - Maddequet
Near the edge of Portage Bay, the green clock brings you to a cafe displaying art work of Xirana Oximoxi.
4 - Time Lost Art
Bay City - Maddequet
On the parcel directly behind the Time Lost Cafe, just past the fountain, can be found this photographic art gallery which is curated by Pascale Barthelemy.
January 2017
Bay City has a surprising amount of water available for exploration. Canals wind through the city and various harbors can be found along the perimeter of town. Let's examine a few places. It's time to hit the water!--------------------
1 - Bay City Marina
New Port
For, um, various reasons there are some spaces available at the Bay City Marina. Read the Charter found on the web site (https://baycitymarina.wordpress.com) and then contact Uccello Poultry regarding a spot for your boat or seaplane.
Inner Harbor
Various Linden-owned boats and ships are docked at this location.
3 - Bay City Community Center
Daley Bay
Adjacent to the Bay City Alliance meeting area is a small wooden dock with a kayak rezzer, which will allow a visitor the opportunity to explore the nearby waterways.
4 - Moose Beach Boat House
Moose Beach
In a region mostly known for its InfoHub, there also exists a small boat house with two sailboat rezzers.
December 2016
The festive holiday season is upon us, bringing with it hectic activity schedules for almost everyone. I am no exception to this phenomenon. My trip through town is going to be a quick one. My ride is here. Let's go!--------------------
1 - Belle's Babydolls
Bay City - Rollers
Earlier in the year this shop would have been found in Bay City - Handa. In this new location it is still a source of authentic and lovingly hand-stitched cloth dolls ... and Gachas.
2 - Emotivation
Bay City - Morton
A somewhat eclectic store ranging from articles of clothing and jewelry to home furnishings, all in various styles.
3 - FAMU
Bay City - Sconset
An entertainment club created by Families United (FAMU), an organization espousing love, respect, and support for one another.
4 - Venomous Designs & Oceanside Gacha Cafe
Bay City - Tisbury
Are you shopping for mesh and applier clothing? Makeup? Decor? Gachas? Then ... visit these two shops.
November 2016
Bay City is, for the most part, a combination of two roughly identical towns the result of the Adult and Teen grid cities being joined together years ago. For this trip I just randomly selected two locations and then went to their adult/teen equivalent to see what was there. This is what I found:
1 - **Garden**
Bay City - Moosehead
Situated between the Moose Beach Infohub and an NCI InfoNode, a short walk brings you to the unlocked gates of this nicely appointed garden. It's equivalent is in Sandwich.
2 - Kebab
Bay City - Sandwich
There was a Mini Yard Sale here previously. Now it's a kebab stand, located next door to the occasionally explosive Toxic Taco restaurant.
3 - Hooker's Garage & Towing
Bay City - Rollers
Hookers Garage and Towing is a family owned full service auto repair shop servicing Bay City and surrounding areas. Using your NorPhone, you can call for assistance at (495) 332 - 6633. It's equivalent is in Brewster.
4 - Carol
Bay City - Brewster
This is the home of one of Bay City's many Japanese residents.
October 2016
Today I got stuck in Bay City - Dennis. I teleported in and
then I could not walk across any of the region boundaries. So ... I decided to
concentrate my efforts where I was. Turns out there were things to see I had
not noticed before, as is typical.
Bay City - Dennis
On Route 66, near the western entrance to Hairy Hippo Fun
Land, you can find this pink diner.
Bay City - Dennis
Ricky Kohnke & Talarien Dreamscape Construction Co. --
Contractors, Road Builders & Engineers
I think their sign says it all. Except, perhaps, why the
parcel is named "Safety Girl" ...
Bay City - Dennis
A coffee shop inhabited by some cute little animals. It has
outdoor seating, and a view of the traffic passing the nearby intersection.
Bay City - Dennis
This shop seems to have been here for quite a while, selling
various devices for land and personal security, as well as a small selection of
September 2016
In Bay City, from one month to the next, there are always changes to discover. Structures come, destinations go. This time around I located a few items worthy of note. Let's see what I found.
Bay City - Brewster
A rustic path off of a dead end street brings you to this open air establishment. A sign over the entrance declares this as a "FAT PACK specialty store." A mixture of business and household items can be examined here.
2 - Twice is Nice Resale
Bay City - Edgartown
A sturdy brick building is the home of this business, a seller of old and gently used merchandise. Some Gacha items are sold here too, at play prices unless they are rares.
3 - Petcetera
Bay City - Docklands
How much is that doggie in the window? Bay City's shop for pets and their supplies.
4 - Gasoline Station & Car Wash
Bay City - Maddequet
This fueling station has an attached house for the owner/operator. As I write this, Hot Bay City Nights is taking place. A major part of that event is fundraiser car washes that benefit the Child's Play charity organization. This month, if you find your wheels are a bit on the dirty side, pop over here for a free wash.
August 2016
Lately I've been riding around town as a passenger, which allows a better ability to see the sights (let somebody else worry about the pedestrians, the stop signs, the parking problems, etc.).
Bay City continues to change before our eyes. On my recent trips I've discovered these destinations.
1 - The Laughing Gnome Pub
Bay City - Falconmoon
This watering hole can be found on Route 66, and is named after a hit song recorded by David Bowie way, way back in 1967.
2 - Adam's Ribs
Bay City - Sandwich
This food truck is the new "home" of Adam's Ribs. You may recall that I found their brick-and-mortar establishment in February of this year, located in Bay City - Rollers.
The telephone number is the same (area code 495, Dearborn 5 - 2750) using the Northbridge Business Systems telephone.
It's not quite operational yet, but there are indications this will be a Bay City Role Players destination, accepting Bay City Credit Union dollars (BC$).
3 - Bay City Art Studio
Bay City - Brewster
This small assemblage of buildings, an airy studio for creating and a smaller building for display, promise affordable one-of-a-kind and limited edition artwork, oddities and other cool stuff.
There are a couple of gacha machines to examine.
4 - Star's Bay City
Bay City - Argos
Therapeutic massage, a pool and snack trailer with outdoor seating await your arrival.
5 - Script Alchemy
Bay City - Rollers
A very recent arrival is Script Alchemy.
"We make full permission scripts for all types of businesses. We also make custom scripts to fit your every need."
For the script impaired, help is here.
6 - EDM House Party & Fashionista Isle
Bay City - Edgartown
On the left, EDM House Party. On the right, Fashionista Isle.
If you're going to be gyrating to electronic dance music, you need a trendy wardrobe.
Until next time, happy motoring!
July 2016
With SL13B (Second Life's 13th Birthday) demanding much of my attention, I took a brief spin around Bay City and found some new structures in town.
The feature shared between them is that each has a neighbor in the parcel directly next door, greatly reducing travel times.
Let's see what I found.
1 - Whistle Stop Cafe and CrowBar
Bay City - Docklands
The cafe is directly adjacent to the Bay City rail complex. I imagine employees and travelers begin their day with breakfast at the Whistle Stop, and end it with a little something from the CrowBar.
2 - Almost Secret Supar Villain Hangout
Bay City - Argos
fellow shown in the window doesn't look all that "supar" to me, but
what do I know? I've not come across any super villains in Bay City,
yet. And directly adjacent is ...
3 - Greasy's Diner
Bay City - Argos
... this diner, which appears it can easily live up to its name. I sure hope something to soothe one's stomach is available with every meal.
Until next time, happy motoring!
June 2016
During my trips about Bay City I always find something that gets my attention, either by virtue of it being completely new, or because it was changed in some way from a previous visit.
I encountered some destinations of interest. Each is worthy of a visit.
1 - Y*STAY Hotel
Bay City - Morton
Last month I was looking for rooms to rent as I traveled about. With the changeable nature of Second Life, the Y*STAY motel popped into existence just after the Post went to press last month.
You can play games and rent a room at extremely reasonable rates. It's FUN to stay at the Y*STAY!
2 - Argon Engineering
Bay City - Sandwich
A skyscraper has sprouted in this region, operated by Argon Engineering.
Among their slogans is that they "Put the Mad into Mad Science."
3 - Bay City Institute for Anomalous Research
Bay City - Tanelorn
This place is involved in "Discovering, researching, and preserving diverse cynosure."
/me flips through the pages of a dictionary ...
4 - Vermeer Museum
Bay City - Tisbury
Johannes Vermeer was an artist in the 17th century, a Dutch Master. In this recently constructed museum you can view some of his works.
Bay City Cruisin'
May 2016
Land in Bay City tends to be expensive to purchase. Land rentals can be found throughout the city and offer another way to get established in town. But what if all you need is a room to call your very own?
On this trip around town I looked for places to rent a room. Some locations that I recalled were gone. Others that I discovered are under construction, or were purely decorative in nature. But I did find a few places where you can rest a bit, and then head out refreshed to see what the city has to offer.
1 - Park Plaza
Bay City - Dennis
If you're looking for a residence in Bay City, the recently renovated Park Plaza apartments may suit your needs. Complete with an elevator, various amenities and an open-air party spot on the roof, there are differing room sizes available for rent at reasonable rates, payable in Linden Dollars (L$).
2 - Hotel de l'Ouest
Bay City - Truro
Northwest Bay City has a new hotel to take care of your travel needs. Two nice rooms are available, and can paid for using role play Bay City Dollars (BC$), which are available from the nearby Bay City Credit Union. If you're of a mind to, reservations using your in-world NorPhone telephone can be made by calling (496)258-3007.
3 - Tilbury Tower
Bay City - Tisbury
A medium-rise tower adjacent to canals and roads offers modern apartments for Linden Dollar (L$) rental rates. Rez your car or your boat and enjoy Bay City living with spectacular views.
Until next time, happy motoring!
Bay City Cruisin'
April 2016
On this trip around Bay City I found some destinations that are worth wearing your tires down a little in order to pay them a visit. Ready? Set? Go!
1 - Theory - Idlehands Gallery
Bay City - Molesworth
Appearing within the last week, this new gallery has artistic and decorative items for sale.
2 - Bay City Motors
Bay City - Moosehead
Looking for a new car? You just might find it here.
3 - Bay City Beach Freebies
Bay City - Moosehead
Visitors to the Moose Beach Infohub will be able to take a short stroll and find this provider of free items.
4 - Le Sammich
Bay City - Sandwich
As the description states: "Fine dining and dancing in Bay City. With a fancy made-up French name like this, how can you go wrong? Bring your sweetheart here for a romantic evening and enjoy the beautiful sunset view over Davis Gulf."
5 - The Living Room - DiscoverA Gallery
Bay City - Brewster
Come experience this gallery, where art meets music. Sometimes there is live music (Blues , Classic Rock, Country, Jazz, Swing).
6 - Silver King Grill
Bay City - Brewster
While you're out and about, drive on over and have a piece of "pi" before continuing your Bay City explorations.
Until next time, happy motoring!
Bay City Cruisin'
by Dakota Schwade
March 2016
This issue of the Bay City Post welcomes our new editor, Kinn (Kinnaird Resident).
And this column welcomes some new discoveries in town.
Does your car have that new thing called a seat belt? If so, buckle up, and we'll be off ...
1 - Bay City History Pavilion
Bay City - Molesworth
As the About Land description states: Originally presented at SL10B, this visual history of Bay City continues to evolve just as the community does. Special thanks to community leader and resident historian Marianne McCann for sharing her wonderful displays.
It's really quite nice. I encourage you to visit this place, and support it.
2 - Crystal Blue Pool
Bay City - Barnstable
The Bay City Municipal Pool, named in honor of Ever (Crystal) Dreamscape and BlueGin Yifu, with additional decorative touches honoring Hyper Mole.
You read about the grand opening in last month's Bay City Post, so you've had plenty of time to shop for a swim costume. Come on over for a splash or two.
3 - Amitié Pose Store
Bay City - Handa
For both men and women, you can try various avatar poses in this relatively new shop.
4 - TerraGraphy
Bay City - Handa
A photography studio, offering services ranging from individual portraits, to group photos, and photo editing. Also available are complimentary profile pictures for new avatars.
Schedule your appointment today!
5 - Dennis Community Park
Bay City - Dennis
Adjacent to the Bay City Department of Motor Vehicles can be found this basketball court. Bring your friends with you, the game is actually playable.
I'm heading back to do a few laps in the pool.
Until next time, happy motoring!
February 2016
That's a NorPhone ringing, from Northbridge Business Systems (http://northbridgesys.com).
I've seen the installer's trucks in Bay City, so I looked up a few customers in their telephone directory and paid them a visit.
Hello? Operator?
1 - Adam's Ribs
Bay City - Rollers
new rib joint (I hear the cornbread is pretty good too). You can call
them at Dearborn 5-2750. Be sure to include the Bay City East area code
of 495.
Dearborn portion of the telephone number refers to a discontinued
system of identifying the number as belonging to a specific telephone
company central office by its name.
2 - You Know, For Kids (YKFK)
Bay City - Imaginario
you're looking for a toy, you know, for kids, this is the place to
visit. A Gentek Telecom pay phone is out back, near Robin Sojourner
Wood's store. Bay City East is area code (495). Call YKFK at Gilbert
3 - Barnstable Quick Key Shop
Bay City - Barnstable
a little Bay City role play, but you find yourself in need of a key?
This is the place to call. Bay City West's area code is 496. Dial
4 - Bay City Credit Union
Bay City - Truro
source for Bay City dollars (BC$) used throughout the area for role
play purposes. Located in Bay City West (area code 496), the number to
call is 876-5539.
"Deposit 10 cents, please."
January 2016
In many places the snow has finally arrived. And a new year is upon us.
1 - Triangle Park
Bay City - Molesworth
This is my little triangular parcel in Bay City, set up for a snowy winter. KONA Stream plays here. Drop on by.
2 - Belle's Babydolls
Bay City - Handa
This little shop is home to authentic and lovingly hand-stitched cloth dolls. Made by Grandma! For both girls and boys.
3 - West Plaza 1
Bay City - Harwich
A Taxi Stand in front of a nicely appointed multi-story building.
4 - Pedestrians in a Crosswalk
Bay City - Tisbury
Drive carefully here. There are pedestrians in the crosswalks, and a couple of them look to be ready to go on the offensive if threatened by erratic traffic.
Bay City, you never know what's around the next corner. Get out there and find out!
Until next time, happy motoring!
December 2015
This trip around town is just a jumble of randomness. Pick a region, press a button, and see what is nearby (or maybe even farther away).
2 - Blossoms
Bay City - Dennishttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Dennis/152/253/25
Bay City - Sconset
Bay City - Edgartown
Bay City - Moosehead
Bay City - Orleans
November 2015
Fall is in the air. Literally. Leaves are descending from the trees. So I thought I'd visit a few places and see if Bay City is becoming seasonally colorful.
I chose a few places at random in Argos, Morton and Rollers (on the east side) and went to their west side equivalents (Harwich, Brewster and Maddequet) scouting for color.
It's time to tour Bay City and find some seasonal sights.
1 - Nifty 50's Diner
Bay City - Argos
Elvis lives! Or, maybe not, depending on what you read and believe. Regardless, the leaves are in the air at this dining establishment.
2 - Game Barn
Bay City - Morton
Colorful birch trees frame the entry way to this place of playfulness.
3 - TowerRental Main Office
Bay City - Rollers
The courtyard, complete with fountain and plentiful seating, is full of autumn sights.
4 - Harwich Road / Riverside Rental
Bay City - Harwich
This available parcel is set up with a working outdoor swing and lots of falling leaves.
5 - Jet's Home
Bay City - Brewster
This resident-owned home, adjacent to the canal, has some nice sugar maple trees.
6 - Various Rentals
Bay City - Maddequet
A trio of parcels available for purchase/rental contain a few trees just beginning to turn into vibrant hues.
There are probably more displays of autumn in your portion of Bay City. Get out there and find it.
Until next time, happy motoring!
Bay City - Argos
Bay City - Morton
Bay City - Rollers
Bay City - Harwich
Bay City - Brewster
Bay City - Maddequet
October 2015
On the road once more, I thought I'd take a straight-line trip down Route 66, that Main Street of Bay City, and see what's new in town.
The convertible top is down, it's time to see the sights!
1 - Pug Cafe
Bay City - Argos
This coffee shop is owned by one of Bay City's many Japanese residents. Many time zones distant, but having fun right in our own virtual backyard.
2 - Nightmare Motors, Two Brothers Gym, Bay City Coffee House
Bay City - Argos
A place where you can get your car tuned up, flex your muscles enough to remind them of their purpose, and start your day with a simple cup of coffee.
3 - Ketchup! A Place for Kids!
Bay City - Falconmoon
A place where you can enter the "Beat the Meat" contest in an effort to win a t-shirt. Oh, and there's some arcade games and hopscotch too.
4 - Gacha Yard Sale
Bay City - Docklands
A re-seller of various Gacha items in an unassuming blue-roofed building, next to the Virtual Railway Consortium. Who knows, the item you need to finish your collection may be here.
5 - Bay City Gacha
Bay City - Brewster
Gacha reselling is popular. This yardsale business is a "right click and 'take' after you buy" operation. Now that you know how it works, what you seek may be found here.
6 - Get off my lawn! Motel
Bay City - Harwich
Route 66 helped popularize the motor hotel, the motel. This one looks kinda like Norman Bates runs it. Tired as you may be, a brief visit should convince you that spending the night may not be in your best interest.
7 - Truro Travel
Bay City - Truro
At that signpost up ahead ... Rod Serling? No, it's Bay City's premier travel agency. Where would you like to go?
8 - Truro Laundry
Bay City - Truro
Need to get some pesky stains out of your clothing? This 24/7 laundry can help with all of your cleaning needs. And there's a pool, swing set and steam-powered shopping cart rezzer for your enjoyment while you wait for the spin cycle to complete.
Until next time, happy motoring!
Bay City - Argos
Bay City - Argos
Bay City - Falconmoon
Bay City - Docklands
Bay City - Brewster
Bay City - Harwich
Bay City - Truro
Bay City - Truro
(Editor's note: check out a surprise #9 location in Keli's write up!)
June 2015 (but published in August 2015!)
June 14th in the United States is Flag Day. And the week during which it occurs is National Flag Week.
With that in mind, I thought I would travel about Bay City and see at what locations where a flag of any country or organization is flying. And I found a lot of flags.
In an effort to not overwhelm myself and the Post editor, I have selected the sites shown below. You should travel about and see where else various flags are being displayed.
East side, west side, all around the town ... let's go!
1 - Bino Arbuckle's Bay City
Bay City - Oldtown
The flag of the United States (on the left) and the flag of Bay City (on the right, more on that later).
2 - Halfmoon Properties
Bay City - Oldtown
On the left, the flag of Hong Kong. On the right, China.
3 - Mustang Tower
Bay City - Rollers
The red-and-white flag is represents the Republic of Poland. The blue flag containing the circle of gold stars is the Flag of Europe.
4 - Embassy of Second Norway
Bay City - Rollers
The embassy displays the flag of Norway.
5 - Bay City Community Center
Daley Bay
The flag of Bay City is outside and (shown) inside the building. Just inside the door is a box containing the flag. Take one.
It was created by Laetizia Coronet. Red represents our city, white the untouched land it was constructed upon, and blue is the Bay and the water. The two stars symbolize the twin cities of Bay City from SL and from what once was Teen SL.
6 - First Life Ancestry & Genealogy (FLAG)
Bay City - Moloch
So ... many ... flags ...
Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Scotland, Sweden, Ukraine, United States
7 - KONA Stream
Bay City - Imaginario
The flag of Bay City where tunes are the rule, not the exception.
8 - East River Community Embassy
Bay City - Docklands
Located in the Sansara continent, the East River Community has a presence in Bay City.
9 - The Fox's Corner
Bay City - Docklands
Damien Avedon has the Bay City flag on display.
10 - Pearl Dreams Bay City
Bay City - Argos
A Bay City flag visible from the canal.
11 - Second Life Children (SLC)
Bay City - Orleans
The SLC flag of many colors flies over their Bay City playground area.
12 - Haven Gallery and Art Garden
Bay City - Tisbury
The Bay City flag (way, way up high) along with a couple of anniversary banners are shown here.
13 - Bay City School of Driving
Bay City - Dennis
The Bay City flag is proudly displayed at this, er, um, school where the highest of skills are imparted to students, as can be seen by this excellent job of parking a vehicle.
14 - Prissy's Apartment
Bay City - Barnstable
The Bay City flag, and side-by-side an anniversary banner and pennant.
Until next time, happy motoring!
May 2015
The monthly theme for my travels throughout Bay City come to me at random. And I typically construct my Bay City Post article towards the end of the month so that the things that I find have a high likelihood of still being around when the BCP is published.
North Channel
Bay City - Rollers
Bay City - Rollers
April is the fourth month of the year. So I thought I'd look around and find four places in Bay City that are new arrivals to town. Second Life changes constantly, how hard can this be to accomplish?
Bay City - Mashpee
Bay City - Moosehead
Bay City - Argos
Bay City - Truro
March 2015
Airfields, airports and runways.
Bay City - Orleans
Hau Koda
Bay City - Molesworth
Bay City - Tanelorn
Bay City - Sandwich
Have you visited the Bay City Airport in Hau Koda? Nearby the main airport entrance, in Docklands, can be found one of two Balloon Tour stations. The tour was created by the industrious Moles, and travels between Docklands and Handa along the southern edge of Bay City's eastern regions.
Bay City - Docklands
Bay City - Docklands
Bay City - Falconmoon, Inner Harbor
Bay City - Argos, Daley Bay
Bay City - Argos, Daley Bay
Bay City - Rollers
Bay City - Molesworth
Bay City - Handa
Bay City - Molesworth
Bay City - Molesworth
Bay City - Handa & Bay City - Rollers
North Channel
North Channel
Bay City - Falconmoon
Bay City - Tanelorn
Bay City - Imaginario
Bay City - Imaginario
Bay City - Mashpee
Bay City - Brewster
Bay City - Orleans
Bay City - Orleans
Bay City - Edgartown
Bay City - Harwich
Bay City - Dennis
Bay City - Dennis
Bay City - Dennis
Bay City - Dennis
Bay City - Barnstable
Bay City - Truro
Bay City - Maddequet
Bay City - Brewster
Bay City - Harwich 1
Bay City - Harwich 2
Bay City - Dennis
* Ever Dreamscape Memorial, dedicated to Bay City's Crazy Diamond;
* Bay City Arboretum of Rather Atypical Vegetation, which is an apt description;
* Dennis Park Plaza, affordable luxury apartment rentals;
* Donut Head, a snack stand;
* Hyperbole Tower, home to the Bay City Post newspaper and the Etv studios;
* Rez -n- Ride, one of the occasional starting locations for the weekly Bay City Rumble.
Bay City - Edgartown
The Linden Department of Public Works (LPDW), and the hard-working Moles that are the backbone of that group, are incrementally improving Bay City.
Bay City
Bay City - Morton
Bay City - Rollers
Bay City - Argos 1
Bay City - Argos 2
Bay City - Falconmoon
Bay City - Oldtown
Running through the heart of Bay City is the main east-west street, Route 66.
Bay City - Mashpee
Bay City - Sandwich
Oak Bluffs
Bay City - Truro
Bay City - Truro
Bay City
Bay City - Molesworth
Bay City - Moosehead
Inner Harbor
Bay City - Docklands
Hau Koda / Grub Beach
Owens Beach
Owens Beach
North of the Bay City - Docklands region can be found a bit of a peninsula. It consists of the following places: Hau Koda & Grub Beach, Owens Beach & Mhindepinde, and Manyiminya.
This trip out I thought I'd explore this peninsula, beginning with the Hau Koda & Grub Beach section.
So, what have we got here? As it turns out, quite a bit.
1 - Bay City Airport
Hau Koda
Hau Koda, as you may know, is the location of the Bay City Airport. It is an art deco style set of structures, and has been a designated InfoHub since June of 2009.
2 - Airport Overview
Hau Koda
The airport property contains an airplane hanger, main terminal, water tower, and air traffic control tower. There is also a beacon tower on the site.
3 - Local Information
Hau Koda
Inside of the main terminal can be found the Local Information desk. Containers of various shapes on the countertop contain Linden-created textures and objects that can be found throughout Bay City. These are free for the taking.
4 - Linden Travel
Hau Koda
Elsewhere on the lower level of the main terminal building you can find the Travel Agency office.
5 - Linden Travel Brochures
Hau Koda
Within the Travel Agency office is the brochure display. Click on the items shown and you will receive landmarks and notecards for things to do throughout Second Life.
6 - Bessie Coleman Bar
Hau Koda
Named after Bessie Coleman (the first female pilot of African American descent), the bar can be found on the upper floor of the main terminal. Relax while waiting for your flight. And look for the "Blue Gin Yifu with olive" drink, an honor accorded to the founder of the Bay City Alliance, BlueGin Yifu.
7 - Mole Hole
Hau Koda
Looks to be a mole hole hardened with a manhole cover. Undoubtedly to protect against the civilian pilots who have difficulties with takeoffs and landings.
8 - Railroad Tracks
Hau Koda
A set of railroad tracks traverse the eastern portion of Hau Koda, crossing the end of the airport runway (how peculiar) and head north. That's the direction I'll head on my next portion of the exploration.
There are other sights to see at the Bay City Airport as well. Stop on by and see what you can find.
Until next time, happy motoring!
March 2014
This month is a continuation of my "Four Corners" trip.
As you may recall, I consider Bay City to actually have eight corner regions, the result of the January, 2011 merger with the Teen grid.
My last trip out I visited the western portion of Bay City (from the former Teen grid). This time I shall travel to the corners of Bay City's adult grid, the eastern portion, in search of interesting places.
The four corners of Bay City's eastern area are:
NW - Bay City - Docklands
SW - Bay City - Tanelorn
NE - Bay City - Molesworth
SE - New Port
Let's see what there is to see.
1 - Docklands Diner
(NW) Bay City - Docklands
A very nice 1950's period diner located on Route 66, which travels the length of Bay City from east to west.
Now it could be argued that Hau Koda, or even Owens Beach, comprise the northwest corner of eastern Bay City. However, there is no equivalent for those regions in eastern Bay City area, so … they don't count :-)
2 - #12 Victoria Place
(SW) Bay City - Tanelorn
An modernistic home with a posh address.
3 - Molesworth Pointe Lighthouse
(NE) Bay City - Molesworth
A traditional and valuable aid to marine navigation.
4 - Dock Area
(SE) New Port
Compare last month's photo from Portage Bay harbor to this photo from New Port harbor. Notice any difference? Besides the fog? Boats!
On a space-available basis, Bay City residents may request a boat slip from Harbor Masters Alx Zeiler or Uccello Poultry.
Until next time, happy motoring!
February 2014
Bay City Cruisin'
by Dakota Schwade
For this trip I decided to visit the four corner regions of Bay City and point out what, to me, is the most interesting place in each.
However, I feel that Bay City actually has eight corner regions resulting from the January, 2011 merger of the Teen and Adult grids.
The Teen grid version of Bay City was nearly identical to the Adult version with canal and street layouts, just differing in some of the parcel sizes.
The four corners of Bay City's western portion are:
NW - Truro
SW - Sconset
NE - Mashpee
SE - Portage Bay
Let's see what I found.
1 - A Miniature Town
(NW) Bay City - Truro
An animated town with various structures (airport, bridge, hospital, etc.) that seems to be involved in a war.
2 - Teen Grid Build
(SW) Bay City - Sconset
When the Teen and Adult grids merged, a few of the teenaged residents kept their property. These two parcels remain from those Teen Grid days.
3 - Ghostbusters
(NE) Bay City - Mashpee
Who you gonna' call? Ghostbusters!
4 - Dock Area
(SE) Portage Bay
A Mole-created harbor setting. Next month, you'll see why I found this interesting.
Until next time, happy motoring!
January 2014
It's been quite a while since I was traveling west on Route 66. After a breakdown, and some quality time for repairs in the shop, I'm back and picking up where I left off.
Route 66, the Mother Road, connects east and west Bay City. Continuing to motor west from Bay City - Docklands, let's see what sort of Linden Mole creations are to be found roadside.
1 - Falmouth Hotel
Check in! And see if you can manage to get yourself out!
Noteworthy because it was constructed by the "Senior Content Specialist," aka the Head Mole, Michael Linden.
3 - Hot Balls
Bay City - Orleans
A functional bowling alley. Have a tournament with your friends.
A large recreational area, with plenty to see and do.
Oak Bluffs
It's large, remember? So large it covers multiple regions.
6 - Playground
Bay City - Barnstable
A bit of decor to make Bay City look lived in.
7 - Bay City Trolly
Bay City - Barnstable
Runs up and down Route 66, but a transfer is required between the eastern and western sections.
Bay City - Truro marks the end of the western portion of Route 66. Where to now?
Until next time, happy motoring!
Route 66, the Mother Road, connects east and west Bay City. It called to me for this trip. Let's see what sort of Linden (Go Moles!) created sites are to be found roadside. Let's motor west ...

1 - Sunny Mole's "Planet Statue"
Bay City - Molesworth

2 - Bay City Community Center
Daley Bay

3 - Pumping Station Number One
Daley Bay

4 - Widget Factory
Daley Bay

5 - Road & Rail Bridge
Inner Harbor

6 - Hog Island Ship
Inner Harbor

7 - SLRR Rez Zone
Inner Harbor
I got as far as Bay City - Docklands. This trip westward will continue.
Until next time, happy motoring!
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